Wednesday, December 9, 2009

On Set


I am typing this up while sitting around on set. So yes this is a student film from San Diego that I am working on, titled “Unborn.” My call had been at 6, but because of the rain and winds traffic was bad so I got here around 630... However, I wasn’t late because they pushed call back to 8 because of the weather. So I have been doing some homework and now here I am.

So horror of all horrors, I totally forgot about an essay I have due tomorrow in my 8am class. Let me do the math for you... I am probably going to be here at least until 130, then I will drive home for 2 hours arriving around 330, I will then proceed to write my essay for at least an hour then sleep for 2 hours... That is my optimism talking though.
I can’t write my essay here because I don’t have the book or the prompt..

The joys of acting :) I can’t lie though I love when my acting job runs into the night so I am not too upset about it. I do wish I had wifi here though so I could do something other than Astronomy homework, but then again I really need to get it done eventually as next week is finals.

I have no idea when we are going to start filming... it is 830 now... hopefully by 9 but who knows? I think everyone is here but they are setting things up.



Saturday I filmed the first half of my scene. It went well. The cast and crew are great, I feel a lot more at ease here than I did with the Penny when it comes to small talk. With the Penny everyone had at least one family member there and they were working together a while before I came on set so I felt a little like an outsider, here everyone was more talkative and inclusive. On the other hand, The Penny had a very different atmosphere, it was calm and smooth, here everyone is pushing for time, a lot of pressure is on the actor for getting the job done in one take because they are on a way tighter schedule. Both atmospheres are fun though, this one is a student film so the workers aren’t as experienced and its fun to be figuring things out with them, I feel more comfortable to put my two cents in about issues that come up. I am so excited to see the finished product of both of these, and to my disdain so is my family. I will need to see them first to make sure I don’t stink :)

Today I am a little psyched out because the pressure is on me, Saturday it was all about Tim’s character and his emotions today it turns around to me and after seeing his amazing performance I am a little wigged out that I won’t match up. Then again, that tension may help me with the dramatic aspect.

Saturday was awesome except, I am wearing a hospital gown in this... and I didn’t bring shorts so that made it a little awkward, I taped the gown shut though so that much was ok. I had a pregnancy belly which was fun, we had to tape it down to make it smaller which was pretty funny. Also I had my tennis shoes on the whole time. I was a pretty silly looking person that day. So today, I have shorts and more appropriate shoes because I don’t believe my shoes were seen at all in the footage yesterday.

Today is a day where the advice “always bring your make up” came in handy because the make up artist will probably be a no-show due to the weather.

I have probably rambled on for far too long but thats what happens when sitting around doing nothing, so yeah, hope you enjoyed this... I will probably add more in a little bit but I am eating pizza.


  1. It's really cool to hear what happens on a set. You never know, these student filmakers might be looking to work with you again if they find success!
    I'm curious, have you taken acting classes and if so did you pay a lot for them? I want to go to classes eventually but some are really expensive and I don't want to be ripped off.

  2. I know! That is a thing I love about student films! In acting books they say a lot that you should do a lot of student films if possible because you never know who may go on to success and take you with them.

    No I have not, I reallllllly want to! I was going to take acting classes next semester in college... but now thats not gonna happen.
    I am going to look into acting classes in Wisconsin though, they might be cheaper there too which is a plus. Yeah, up to this point I have just read a lot of acting books, which does help as well.

    I did take a class in high school my freshman year, but that was a while ago and a high school class... so yeah.

    With acting classes I have heard a lot that they should usually let you sit in on a class for free before joining it if it is a class outside of a University. So thats a good way to start out, plus you could learn a lot if you sit in on a bunch of different acting classes for a night... especially when it is free

  3. Yeah I think it has to be worth looking around and finding out exactly what is taught. The problem here is a lot of English acting classes, and all drama schools, are geared towards theatre acting. Whilst theatre acting is applicable to tv/film acting, my view is you may as well learn to act for tv/film is that's what you intend to do. A lot of people say you have to have trained at a drama school to have a chance at acting, but I've heard of SO many successful actors who did acting classes rather than a 3/4 year course.
